Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Frankly speaking we do felt disappointed with the final results. It has been sleepless nights since 050513 for some of them. Even though we couldn't change anything about it anymore, but we will never back down. We will never lose hope.

Luckily, we have social media that help connects people together to be united and to get worldwide support.
I always don't understand why do we still have to be categorized into Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races when 1 Malaysia has been implied. We are all brothers and sisters of Malaysia. I hope in the future we don't categorized ourselves by the races but in fact we will just be name as Malaysians. A change. Change for all Malaysians.

Change is coming. We all know that and we will make sure it does happen in the future. Never underestimate the 90's kid!!! This is just the beginning. All we need is just time. 5 more years that's it will do...that time we will do our best for the best of this country.

Hear our voices, the sound from Malaysia citizens. It is the rakyat tsunami now.

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